Since the Hallmark Ornament Premiere in July (and really before that) I could “feel” Christmas approaching, and by the time we went to the Hallmark Open House in October… I [knew] it was Christmastime. As I sit here looking at yet another Hallmark invite (this time it’s to promote Santa’s visit for picture-taking) I realize that this is the last promotional for the store and Christmas is here! I love the Hallmark Store.
I love the fall, I love the holiday season from Halloween through New Year’s; when Halloween is over, I stay up late to pack all the décor and have Christmas going up on November 1st. Since the kids went back to school (and I was part of that this year since my youngest granddaughter lives with me and was just starting first grade), I was “investigating” the local stores to see who would put out Christmas décor early. The first store, of course was Hallmark but one night I walked in Home Depot to see if they had anything large for Halloween, and to my surprise ALL of their Christmas decorations were lit up and stocked up in their “Christmas Corner”. As I approached the corner I noticed the barricade tape. What? They were blocking me out? We asked the manager if we could walk down the aisles and see the new products and he said “no”… we had to wait a few days because it takes a ‘crew’ to unveil the décor and put up the trees and formally present the displays – WOW! I even offered to stay and help 🙂
I went back a few days later and scooped up the items that usually sell out fast. Yes I did… I went crazy and actually bought more than what I needed or should have bought. And oh how happy I am when Starbucks puts out their red cups… for me, THAT is the signal to start decorating everywhere!
This year I hired professional Christmas Decor decorators to deck the outside lights and garland; my guys were there ON November 1st at 9am. It was worth every cent and leaves me strength to focus full speed ahead towards Christmas. Last year I had a local landscaping company install icicles, but it was not a great job… this year I got a “great” job; they used white/clear C9’s and outlined the gutters, soffits and top of the roof… absolutely gorgeous! I wanted multicolored C9’s for that “classical/retro” look but was advised that they were no longer being sold in the US and that the business was moving towards LED. It is reported that by 2014 ALL lights will be LED; you won’t even be able to buy C9’s or icicle lights. I don’t like LED — although that new “warm-white” look is better, LED lights remind me of “TRON”… not warm home. In fact, their “white lights” look more like “baby blue lights”.
So, I got the lights installed and put out the 6ft pre-lit tinsel candy canes, pre-lit tinsel gift boxes, Martha Stewart porch trees (that match the 17ft garland), a personalized sign from Home Decorator’s, Ceramic Santa’s …I even put the gingerbread mailbox cover and used red duct tape to decorate the mailbox post.
I also purchased two General Foam Plastics blow-mold soldiers, and a Santa/Sleigh/Reindeer … these were to match my 4ft Santa. But when we installed the soldiers and the Santa, we realized that the blow-molds didn’t really complement the classic white-lite and tinsel-light décor, so we took them down. The Santa/Sleigh/Rudolph is being returned, but I am keeping the soldiers; who knows, I may alternate to a “different look” next year. At this point, my exterior is complete; I have candles in the windows … STILL, I am thinking about MORE lights. My house is the most decorated for every occasion and instead of my neighbors taking notes and stepping up, they complain that “it’s too early”.
However, this year they did step up a little, primarily because we had warm weekends which were perfect for decorating. Are they kidding? If I waited until after Thanksgiving there is NO WAY I could get my decorating done!
I live in New Jersey and we were hit pretty hard just before Halloween with a “snow blizzard”! Yes, we got about a foot of heavy snow that stuck to the ground that was so heavy it knocked out our electrical power. We still had an abundance of leaves on the trees (and on the grass that I was supposed to have raked on Saturday); so when the wet heavy snow sits on the trees with leaves it is quite damaging; there were many fallen trees. If you were prepared for this, and many weren’t because we thought it was a “trick” for Halloween, you could have taken really pretty photos for your Christmas cards. Unfortunately, I was at the supermarket and scrambling at the last minute and then lost power, so I wasn’t ready to take photos. Still, I took advantage of the weekend to complete my Christmas organization.
I’ve said it before, and I will say it again… “it is the most wonderful time of the year”. I am getting a little baking done; getting some wrapping done and planning for our trip to NYC this week to see the 3D Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall (Orchestra seats)… I am just trying to take it all in. But how can you? When Christmas is in the air it’s overwhelming… too much in such a short period of time. We NEED an extra month for the season; between November and December… it would be cool to move January in that position. I can only hope. For now, I am enjoying the pine, cinnamon, evergreen and the miracle of Christmastime .
Stay Merry!