There Are Only 100 Days Until Christmas!

There Are Only 100 Days Until Christmas!
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Can you believe we’ve already hit the 100 DAY MARK UNTIL CHRISTMAS?!

This year has been a tough one, and while I will continue to enjoy the current season as much as possible, I shall not refrain from listening to my holiday tunes as often as possible until January 6th (and beyond!) because, honestly, this time of year — once those ‘Ber months start — goes by just way too fast! I hope you all take the moments to enjoy it to its fullest! โœจ๐ŸŽ„โœจ

Every year I celebrate the season with a #LollySongOfTheDay, and I always seem to come back to the same song once we reach 100 Days Until Christmas…. Michael Bublรฉ‘s version of “Holly Jolly Christmas,” of course! ๐Ÿ˜‰  Listen along with me today!

Lolly’s Song of the Day: Michael Bublรฉ – “Holly Jolly Christmas”

Stay merry!
