Photos: Crown Media
It’s no secret that I look forward to Christmas movies every year; I write about casting news in the spring, celebrate Christmas in July, and start counting down to holiday programming in early fall. Some may say “oh, it’s too soon” but I don’t care. Holiday movies lift my spirits and that of my family, and don’t we all need as much of that as we can get on a normal basis, and even more-so these days?
I say “YES”.
Summer is coming up, and I’m already eager for Hallmark’s annual Christmas in July event where they show original festive films on their Hallmark Channel network dubbed Christmas Keepsake Week, and more on their sister channel, Hallmark Movies & Mysteries for their Gold Crown Christmas slate. Each year these holiday movie marathons coincide with the preview launch of their new collection of ornaments in Hallmark stores. At one point this only lasted a week on the networks, but the dedication of holiday viewers have increased it to practically a whole month.
Lifetime even got in on the fun last year by streaming some Christmas movies on their website.
While both network heavy-hitters are typically met with a festive response from their viewers, there are always a number of comments from viewers who would rather soak in the summer season and delay thoughts of wintry weather for a few more months. That said, I have a suggestion that could possibly please both sides: A CHRISTMAS IN JULY MOVIE to premiere during Keepsake Week!
Christmas, for me, has always been set in cold weather and snowy landscapes, there are plenty of people all over the world whose holiday season finds them on the beach, or just in a much more warm climate. When I watched that Lea Michele-led Christmas movie back in 2019 that was set in Hawaii, it reaffirmed my wish for another tropical holiday film. I know the network has filmed in Hawaii before — in fact, they have an upcoming movie that was shot there, but I think it would be fun to film some Christmas movies on The Big Island, California, Australia and many other ‘warm in December’ places to show some other ways of celebrating ‘the most wonderful time of the year,’ which would also serve nicely with new storytelling and fit in well with Christmas in July celebrations. You could even do something much more to-the-point and write a story about actually celebrating Christmas in July!
It’s been progress to see these beloved movies head in a more diverse way as far as representation goes, and it’s something I hope to see increase as the years go on, so I think it would also be cool to show even more ways people celebrate the season too. I relate the most to Christmas movies set in a city as that’s what I’ve grown up around, but for many, sometimes they ‘fa-la-la-la-la’ in a swimsuit and not a lavish Ted Baker coat. Bring on the holiday nautical vibes!
What do you think? Would you watch?
Whether there’s a movie made or not, you can still start prepping for a holiday in the sun this summer by purchasing some Christmas in July-themed items like the ones I found below!
Please Note: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Stay merry!
Christmas in July has nothing to do with the spirit of Christmas. It is a way to increase sales for sponsors that pay for advertising. None of these movies that Hallmark puts out have anything to do with the true religious meaning of Christmas. Two people have lost the spirit and then falls in love beneath the Christmas tree, someone saves a dog, reindeer, seal, or some other animal and they fall in love, the old man that moves in next door looks like Santa and they fall in love, or someone is about to lose their business and a miracle helps them keep it, oh yeah, and they fall in love.
As far as the actors are concerned, it’s like they keep a plethora of Canadian actors in a closet and pulls out a couple when they think of a good idea.
Keep Christmas where Christmas belongs and quit trying to desensitize it for the viewers. It’s like walking into a department store in September and all the Christmas displays are out and it’s not even time for Halloween.
But, do what you wish. We have resorted to cancelling Hallmark from mid October to late February until our Movies and Mysteries come back with our mysteries. You have four Hallmark channels, why ruin M&M.
You’re entitled to your opinion but the Christmas spirit is the Christmas spirit. If you have Christmas in your heart, then it doesn’t matter if you want to embrace the films in February, July or September. I will never only honor the birth of Jesus on one day or for one month. Furthermore, we don’t even know the exact birth date of Jesus Christ, but we celebrate December 25th as His birthday. Christmas in July is a countdown to that day of celebration and you can choose to take part in that celebration, or not. The beauty of television channels is that you can turn them to others, turn them off and turn them on. There is also a streaming service for Hallmark. You are also well within your right to write a script for a Christmas movie and maybe Hallmark will consider your original idea. I also believe actors in Canada have every right to be booked for a movie that’s being filmed where they are, kind of like Hollywood actors being cast in projects in California.
As for your other comment, department stores have nothing to do with how the movies are run. You can not sell nor expect customers to buy their decorations, gifts, food, etc and celebrate all within four weeks. It’s just like when they sell swimsuits in April and school supplies in July. Most people like to make purchases before the actual time they need it.
The blog post idea of a “Christmas in July” movie wasn’t supposed to be only about a movie celebrating the actual “holiday” of Christmas in July, but even a movie set during Christmas time in a warmer climate and aired in July.
Lastly, this is a Christmas blog. Not Hallmark. This is a blog that celebrates Christmas all year long because everything about the holiday season brings joy to me and my visitors. If you do not wish to celebrate any time but between the designated dates society has given us, then you’re more then welcome to come back in November. I wish you happy days and Stay Merry ๐